
All the post published on this blog are cases either diagnosed, treated or attended by me, surgeries I performed myself or they are based on my experiences through my years working as a vet. The photos have also be done by me, unless it is told otherwise.
Todas las entradas mostradas en este blog son casos que atendí, cirugías que hice o están basados en mi experiencia de mis años como veterinaria. Las fotos también han sido hechas por mi, a menos que se diga su procedencia.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Dog loving his owner's car.

Of course nobody leaves his dog into a car at 3pm of a sunny day of July in South Spain, but accidents happen sometimes. This fox terrier used to get back in the car after his family got out. In the winter he had enjoyed some siestas there. Because everyone saw him getting out non of them missed him and checked the car in two hours.
The dog arrived unconscious, I do not know how hot (it was beyond the thermometer range). His heart was beating so fast I could not (and cared not) count them. His breath was too irregular. With sedation I controlled the speedy heart and bad breath. After one hour of cold bath he was 39,8ºC. Right then he was given some saline solution of Ringer Lactato
and glucose, and covered with som blankets. For the next hour his temperature just went down to 34ºC, and was not awaking at all. During and after the bath he had diarrhoea.

Five hours later, despite the low dose of sedation (for less than half his weight) he was still very sleepy. I took him to my house too worry to leave him in the surgery.
Late at night he started vomiting and his heart failing. He passed away at midnight, the same night Spain beat Germany int South Africa Football Worldcup. He was very young.

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